

Seminars, Pre-Departure Briefing and Experience sharing get-together






Many year, STOEC invites some Top 300 Schools from the UK and New Zealand to join our annual education event in Sep or Oct - TOP SCHOOLS UK & New Zealand, we invited highly recognized top 300 schools in the UK and New Zealand with outstanding academic and musical achievement to come to Hong Kong, Macau, and  Taiwan to interview their prospective pupils. Some schools also sent representatives from their music departments, music auditions were held alongside the academic interviews. STOEC persuaded schools to offer both academic and musical scholarship to qualified students in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.



Every Year, the UK Education Expo held at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre attracted over 2000 participants . During the Expo, parents and students had the great opportunity to speak to the UK school representatives and overseas education consultancy , sitting screening tests and being interviewed by schools.



Macau Education Fair has become the leading education event in Macao and Taiwan. It attracts around 10,000 delegates annually. This is a valuable platform which allows students, parents and professionals from Macao, Taiwan and the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region to meet with internationally renowned school representatives collecting the latest information on local and overseas educational programs.

ST亦同時舉辦多場免費講座, 行前說明會和經驗分享會,包括講解香港、澳門和台灣與英國/紐西蘭的學制、學生簽證以及旅遊相關資訊機票、行程安排、留英/紐西蘭生活指南、監護人等重要資料,為所有有意留學英國/紐西蘭學生提供多項協助及建議,我們會繼續為有意留英/紐西蘭同學提供重要的橋樑。
STOEC also gave free seminars,  Pre-Departure Briefing and experience sharing get-together on UK/New Zealand Boarding School Life, HK, Macau, Taiwan and UK/New Zealand Education Systems, Guardianships, visa, Air Tickets and other important issues that students should be aware of when they study abroad.We will continue to provide you with the best advice for the best education.


2014英國/紐西蘭升學講座 (請留意舉行日期)

Seminar of UK & New Zealand Education 2014


        Explain the UK & New Zealand overseas education system


        How to choose a right school to suit you need.


        How to prepared the entry examination 


        How to choose a Guardian & Host family


2014行前說明會(請留意舉行日期) Pre-Departure Briefing 2014

Pre-Departure Briefing )來確保自己的行前準備面面俱到。UKEAS顧問依據自身體驗以及多年來協助學生出國的豐富經驗,告訴您一切應注意的細節。其中顧問不僅針對行前準備做說明,還會為同學在英國的註冊事宜和生活須知做全面的介紹。


 英國生活資訊介紹 & 高效率的學習生涯

 英國校友經驗分享 (留學生活小貼士大公開)






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