

About Us


燃藜教育集團是一間專注於提供專業的海外升學及教育服務機構, 總部設在澳門並在香港和台灣設有聯絡處。

我們的子公司,燃藜學坊為澳門教育局認可的註冊機構,是澳門首屈一指的補習中心及教育服務機構。燃藜學坊致力於幫助學生應考劍橋兒童英語認證(Cambridge YLE Tests)、劍橋五級國際英語認證 Cambridge English KETPETFCECAECPE I/GCSEA-LevelIBDP等各類大型國際考試,並提供本地英語、中文、數理化等專業學習輔導及幼兒早期教育 。 多年來,燃藜學坊始終堅信,合適的教育指導是取得成功和終身成就的基礎;燃藜學坊憑藉其專業的教學團隊和出色的教學質量,幫助數以百計的學生圓夢,進入本地名牌學校及世界頂尖學府,在業界樹立了良好的口碑,贏得眾多學生和家長的信任和青睞。

我們的另一間子公司,ST海外升學顧問是一間專注於英國和紐西蘭升學的海外升學服務機構,總部設立在澳門,另外在香港和台灣設有聯絡處;為澳門、香港及台灣的學生和家長提供專業的海外升學服務,多年來已發展成為全東南亞最具規模的英國和紐西蘭升學機構之一, 我們的成功在於本中心之顧問均曾留學英國,每位顧問的個人留學經驗及每年遠赴各學校及學院考察,使ST海外升學顧問中心更有效地提供最新及最專業的升學資訊,配合家長及學生的需求,提供"最好的建議和最好的教育專業諮詢服務"

為掌握最新留英資訊,ST海外升學顧問駐當地專員每一年四次走訪英國學校,監護人及寄住家庭,並藉機會了解學生在英國的生活和讀書的情況。到訪代辦學校和監護人及寄住家庭住所時更會進行實地考察,不僅和學生、 校方、 監護人及寄住家庭成員交談,更會將監護人及寄住家庭住所、所在環境、 學校的課室、宿舍、 自修室、 聯誼廳、 教學設備和體育等設施之照片編制記錄,務求為學生及家長提供更安全、更可靠的全方位服務。

ST海外升學顧問不斷擴充學校網,搜羅不同類型的英國課程 ,力求提供最多及最好的教育給學生和家長選擇。ST海外升學顧問專注代辦全英國排名前300的寄宿走讀(日校)中學、擴充教育 (Sixth Form) 和高等教育申請,課程包括英國中小學課程、AS-levels (英國高中證書)及 IB(國際高中文憑)和 BTECsNVQsThe Diploma (職業導向型技能或專業資格證課程)、大學預備班、碩士預備課程、學士學位、基礎學位(Foundation degrees)、高等教育資格文憑(HNDs)、碩士學位、博士學位、MBA、暑期課程、復活節課程、寒假課程、冬、夏令營及各種短期課程等,每年成功幫助數以百計學生升讀理想英國學府。我們並和燃藜學坊合作提供寬敞的考試室以作學生入學試使用,另外提供面試室給各英國院校之代表,安排與家長及學生會面或面試。


ST海外升學顧問提供免費升學諮詢、免費代辦服務(公立學校除外) 及免費學生評核服務,為學生及家長們提供最優質的升學介紹,令家長們可以為子女作出最佳的升學選擇。"我們真正在乎你的孩子,一切均為孩子的利益為優先考量"請即與我們聯絡,讓我們瞭解你的所需,從而作出最佳的抉擇。

RL Education Group is a educational services provider who focus on academic and overseas education, the  head office is based in Macau and the liaison office in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

 The subsidiary company Ran Li Learning Centre (RLLC) is a registered school under the Education Bureau in Macau and is one of Southeast Asia's leading tuition centre. RLLC specialize in early education, academic tuition, standardized test preparations including Cambridge YLE Tests Cambridge English (KETPETFCECAECPE )I/GCSEA-LevelIBDP  educational planning and consultation services for students following international and local curricula. Over the years, we have helped countless students prepare for entrance to schools and universities. We strongly believe that proper guidance in education is the foundation for success and lifelong achievement. Our track record of student acceptances by the local schools and world’s top academic institutions is undeniable.

The another subsidiary company ST Overseas Education Consultancy (STOEC) is one of the leading UK and New Zealand education agency, the head office based in Macau and the liaison offices in Hong Kong and Taiwan, which has been providing UK and New Zealand educational advices to the public of Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan for many years. STOEC has developed in to one of the most comprehensive New Zealand and UK boarding schools and colleges consultancy in Southeast Asia. The success of us lies in the professionalism and enthusiasm of our staff. All our consultants are educated oversea and are committed to providing “The best advice for the best education to suit you need”

STOEC are always expanding our school, guardians and host families network to provide more options for our clients. We visit school, guardians and host families four times a year. When we visited our represented schools, guardians and host families are not only would we sit down with our students currently studying at the school and boarding house, we would also bring back photos of host families and their living place, the classes, the dorms, study rooms, teaching equipments and sports facilities of school . All of these are to keep us up to date with the latest school developments and this, together with the first-hand experience of our consultants, and to make sure students and parents are presented with updated and unbiased information,  will help students to make the right choices to the right school and activities.

The school network of STOEC cover UK and New Zealand most of TOP 300 Schools with programmes ranging from primary and secondary education, AS-levels IB, BTECs, NVQs, The Diploma, university foundation, undergraduate, postgraduate, pre-master, summer camp, winter camp and various kinds of holiday and short courses. We have also cooperated with RLLC to provided an examination room for students and an interview room for school representatives to meet students and parents.

STOECoffers free consultation, application ( exclude the state school) and initial screening service to parents and students. We provide quality services to give parents the best chance of choosing the right school for their child."We do care about you and your children and we undertake a clear pupil welfare role".Please feel free to contact us and discuss your educational needs!






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